A Cyber Security Health Check is an in-depth assessment of your enterprise’s cyber security posture. It enables us to identify and assess vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your security program, so we can provide expert guidance on how to address any gaps and make improvements. We can benchmark your enterprise against your peers within your industry so you can see where you stand.
Techtify partners class with leading teams who specialise in designing, implementing and running comprehensive business driven security programs that are aligned with enterprise risk management. We believe a good security program should be aligned with business objectives and regulatory requirements. To do this, your organisation’s exposure and risk are assessed. This assessment is combined with our expert knowledge of the rapidly evolving threat landscape and develop a prioritised strategy that both mitigates risk and matures your information security capabilities.
Our comprehensive penetration testing services mimic the actual tactics, techniques, and practices that real world attackers use to attack systems. We can help you find any weaknesses in your system before malicious attackers do.
If you are looking to secure your information systems, you first need to know your level of exposure. A vulnerability assessment will help identify weaknesses in your environment and allow you to take measures against potential attacks before they occur.
Techtify can help you address gaps in your information security and manage risk by providing guidance and expertise. We can help you comply with standards such as PCI DSS, VPDSS, ISO 27001, NIST SCF and ISM. Our extensive experience designing and implementing frameworks and processes will help you build an effective risk management program.
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